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Korean Neurological Associtation

  • Society Introduction
  • About the JCN
  • Scientific Meeting Schedule
  • Notices

Welcome to Korean Neurological Associtation

Society Introduction

Society Introduction


Jin-Sang Jung. President of Korean Neurological Association

Dear Esteemed Members of The Korean Neurological Association

As we reach a pivotal moment where Korea, through the efforts of its citizens and healthcare professionals, strives to overcome the long journey of the pandemic, the medical field finds itself grappling with the issue of medical school expansion. It seems that there is never a day of respite on the frontlines of healthcare. Despite the challenging circumstances around us, I believe that if we take control of our lives, even in small joys, we can find a sense of happiness amidst the difficulties. With this in mind, I extend my heartfelt wishes for the health and happiness of all our members and their families.

Now, as The Korean Neurological Association surpasses 40 years since its establishment with a membership exceeding 2600, our society has grown to become a prominent entity in the medical field of Korea, encompassing 8 subspecialty societies and 16 affiliated societies. The significant progress The Korean Neurological Association has made, even amidst adversity, is a testament to the unified strength of our members and the dedication and efforts of past and present executives, as well as senior and junior members. At this juncture, as we confront the challenges posed by an aging population and the advent of the era of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, the fourth industrial revolution, smart healthcare, and new drug development, it is imperative that we establish and execute appropriate medical policies and visions in the field of neurology. I believe it is crucial for The Korean Neurological Association to strive further to become a "neurology loved by the people and trusted by its members," aiming to both contribute to the improvement of the nation's brain health and enhance the rights of its members.

As I undertake the significant responsibility of serving as the chairman of the The Korean Neurological Association for the next two years, I am committed to working alongside the new executive team of the society to inherit and build upon the policies established by past executives and members, while also addressing the current issues facing the medical field. I aim to steer The Korean Neurological Association towards a future-oriented and collaborative development in a harmonious manner. Efforts will be made not only to carry out short-term tasks within each committee but also to formulate medium to long-term policies, ensuring mutual relevance among committees and fostering continuous synergy. While many aspects of academic research and scholarship in neuroscience have become increasingly specialized, with much already delegated to various subspecialty societies and affiliated societies, The Korean Neurological Association will focus on its role as a comprehensive society. This includes specializing in residency training, board certification, insurance, legislation, specialized skill education, developing external policies for member rights, and conducting public relations activities tailored to both members and the general public.

To achieve this, I plan to strengthen our external activities, enhance education in smart healthcare, formulate practical initiatives, devise strategies for balanced regional development, strengthen collaboration with neurological societies, and develop tailored education/administrative support information systems. I believe that active participation and constructive suggestions from our members will serve as vital sources of vitality and energy for the new executive team and deliberative bodies. I have no doubt that the continued interest and passion of our members in the society, coupled with the dedicated efforts of the executive team, will play a crucial role in evolving The Korean Neurological Association into a magnificent organic entity characterized by harmony, balance, and maximized efficiency.

The Korean Neurological Association is soon approaching its 50th anniversary. At this juncture, I pledge to work diligently with the executive team of the society during my tenure, so that every member of the Korean Neurological Association can take pride in the progress our society has made, reflecting on its journey and accomplishments.

Thank you.

March 2024
Seung-Hyun Kim
The Korean Neurological Association


History of Korean Neurologic Association
  • The first Neurology clinic started in the Jin-Ju city by Dr. Charles Inglis Mclaren from Australia at 1910.
  • Dr. Lee Jung-Cheol was the first Korean Neurologist who was trained and studied in China, Australia, and Japan (University of KyuShu) and who started practicing from 1934.
  • Department of Neurology was first created as an independent department at 1958 in the National Meical Center, contributed by Scandinavian countries.
  • The Korean Neurological Association was created at 1981 and the first meeting was held at 1982 with participants of 206.
  • The exam of Korean Board of Neurology began 1983, and 95 out of 113 appliances passed the test.
  • The 9th AOCN (Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology) was held at 1996 and was the first international academic meeting hosted by KNA.
  • Now, the Korean Neurological Association developed to have about 2,644 members. (by 2024)
Affiliated Academic Societies
  • Korean Epilepsy Society (1996)
  • Korean Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (1996)
  • Korean Stroke Society (1998)
  • Korean Balance Society (1999)
  • Korean Headache Society (2001)
  • Korean Dementia Association (2002)
  • Korean Sleep Society (2002)
  • Korean Association of Private Practicing Neurologist (2002)
No, of Members in Korean Neurological Association
Members in Korean Neurological Association

Membership (2025.03~2026.02)

Executive Officers of KNA

Position Name Affiliation
President Seung Hyun Kim Hanyang University Seoul Hospital
Congress President Jin ho Kim Chosun University Hospital
Chair, Ethics Committee Jae Moon Kim Seoul Neurology Clinic
Chair, Special Committee on Future Strategy Kun Woo Park Korea University Anam Hospital
Vice-President Im Seok Koh National Medical Center
Vice-President Yang Ki Minn Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University
Vice-President Kee Hyung Park Gachon University Gil Medical Center
Congress Vice-President Woong Yong Yoon Clean Su Hospital
Internal Auditor Du Shin Jeong Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital
Internal Auditor Yun Joong Kim Yongin Severance Hospital
General Secretary Ho Jin Choi Hanyang University Guri Hospital
Chair, Academics Committee Hyun Young Kim Hanyang University Seoul Hospital
Chair, Academics Committee Sun Ah Park Ajou University Hospital 
Chair, Academics Committee Sook Young Roh Dr. Roh's Neurology Clinics
Chair, Training Committee Jee Young Oh Konkuk University Medical Center
Chair, Examination and Certification Committee Dae Won Seo Samsung Medical Center
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Clinical Neurology Byung Jo Kim Korea University Anam Hospital
Treasurer Ha Young Shin Yonsei University Severance Hospital
Chair, Insurance Committee Sang Beom Kim Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gagndong
Chair, Insurance Committee Young Soon Yang Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital
Chair, Insurance Committee Sang Won Lee Hayang Clear Neurology Clinic
Chair, Public Relations Committee Je Young Shin Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University
Chair, Public Relations Committee Sang Bum Lee Seoul Sinna Medical Clinic
Chair, Website Committee Hee Jin Kim Hanyang University Seoul Hospital
Chair, Website Committee Seong Ho Jeon MIRAE Neurology Clinic
Chair, Planning Committee Dong Wook Kim Konkuk University Medical Center
Chair, Legal affairs Byeong Chae Kim Chonnam National University Hospital
Chair, International Affairs Committee Keun Hwa Jung Seoul National University Hospital
Chair, International Affairs Committee Ho Jin Kim National Cancer Center
Chair, Clinical Practice Guideline Kwang Ik Yang Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital
Chair, Policy and External Affairs Committee Sang Bae Ko Seoul National University Hospital
Chair, Medical Affairs Committee Suk Won Ahn Chung-Ang University Hospital
Chair, Education Committee Hak Seung Lee Wonkwang University Hospital
Chair, Education Committee Eun Hee Sohn Chungnam National University Hospital
Chair, Education Committee Jee Hyun Kim Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital
Chair, Education Committee Bum Chun Suh Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
Chair, Education Committee Joon Hyun Shin Shin Joon Hyun Neurology Clinic
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Korean Neurological Jong Seok Bae Gangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University
Editor-in-Chief, Textbook compilation Committee Byung Kun Kim Nowon Eulji Medical Center
Executive Member Kyong Jin Shin Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital
Executive Member Chan Nyoung Lee Korea University Anam Hospital
Executive Member Eun Hyang Song Seoul Metropolitan Seobuk Hospital
Chair of Organizing Committee, WCN Beom Seok Jeon 남양주 현대병원
About the JCN

About the Journal


About the JCN

The Journal of Clinical Neurology (JCN) is the official English-language journal of the Korean Neurological Association. It is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that is published quarterly. The JCN aims to publish the cutting-edge research from around the world. The JCN covers clinical and translational research for physicians and researchers in the field of neurology. Although we are primarily interested in clinical work, experimental or translational research works are also considered if they are related to clinical practice. The JCN will continue to provide high quality research papers for readers and strengthen its reputation.

The JCN is currently indexed, tracked, or covered by Science Citation Index (SCI), PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), SCOPUS, EMBASE, CrossRef, Google Scholar, KoreaMed, Synapse, and KoMCI.

the JCN More Information


About the JKNA

The Journal of the Korean Neurological Association (J Korean Neurol Assoc) is the official Korean-language journal of the Korean Neurological Association and Korean Society of Geriatric Neurology.
It aims to enhance patient care, education, and research for neurologists. The J Korean Neurol Assoc covers clinical and translational research for clinical and practicing neurologist.
It is a peer-reviewed journal for neurologists and accepts original article, review, case report, neuro-imaging, and letter to the editor.

The J Korean Neurol Assoc is indexed by KoreaMed and KoMCI.

the JKNA More Information

Scientific Meeting Schedule

Scientific Meeting Schedule

