제 43차 2024년 대한신경과학회 춘계학술대회


Program at a glance
Time 컨벤션홀 A (2F)
Room 1
컨벤션홀 B (2F)
Room 2
컨벤션홀 C (2F)
Room 3
행복한 홀 (1F)
Room 4
아망떼 홀 (2F)
Room 5
09:00-10:10 [Neurology Update I]
(Stroke, Neuromuscular
Disorders, Autoimmune
[Neurology Update II]
(Headache, Neuro-
Ophthalmology /
Otology, Sleep)
10:10-10:20 Break 필수평점교육
10:20-11:30 Glymphatic System and Neurological Diseases Biomarkers for Neurological Disease Prodromes 평의원회
11:30-12:20 Plenary Lecture
12:20-12:40 총회(송출) 총회 및 시상 총회(송출)
12:40-13:30 Luncheon Symposium I Luncheon Symposium II Luncheon Symposium III
13:30-13:40 Break
13:40-15:40 뇌질환 극복을 위한 임상
-기초 공동연구 소개
From University Hospital Professor to Private Practitioner 창업, 도전하라! [Special Interest
Group Meeting]
Current Status of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Korea
15:40-16:00 Closing
16:00-17:00 수련과장/책임지도전문의 회의 치매특별등급교육